
Prophetess Angela Ankrah

Prophetess Angela Ankrah Co-founder and Co-Pastor of Empowerment Cathedral International Ministries and the First lady of ECI Ministries International. Prophetess Angela Ankrah operates in the office of Prophetess with the passion of awakening the body of Christ to fulfill her kingdom mandate and divine destiny. In addition, she is a proponent of impacting, uplifting, and empowering the church. As stated by Christ “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it”. Prophetess Angela Ankrah under divine mandate and the passion to equip the body of Christ with prophetic teaching, prophetic insight and prophetic foresight assist in empowering the church into her destiny.

Prophetess Angela Ankrah holds the esteemed position of First Lady and Pastor at Empowerment Cathedral International Ministries, where she serves alongside her husband Apostle Oscarjudah Ankrah along with their sons. Prophetess Angela is renowned for her captivating and unwavering delivery of God's word, the teaching with prophetic insight and the dissemination of the Word of God to become applicational to the life of the believer. At the core of Prophetess Angela Ankrah, she seeks to empower women with a kingdom approach and to attain a kingdom perspective about self and for kingdom purpose. Amongst some of the projects Prophetess Angela Ankrah champions is the Hadassah women’s conferences. Hadassah happens quarterly and its focus is empowering the women of the church to rise up to excellence, assume their rightful place like the early church, support their husbands, be mothers from a kingdom perspective, all the while motivating by the grace of God in the market place, the work place and in the church.

Furthermore, Prophetess Angela Ankrah champions a yearly conference “Alabaster Conference” with renowned speakers with the purpose of empowerment, uplifting and impacting the church, while reaching the unreached with the unadulterated Word of God. Prophetess Angela Ankrah is a Trained Registered Nurse and the author of unpublished books awaiting the timing of God. She is an avid reader and writer who enjoys reading and writing books under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for empowerment, edification, and the empowerment of the saints. Prophetess Angela Ankrah Angela hold bachelor’s degree from the University of New York Literature and has worked with various publishing companies in New York. She is a mother of three sons who are involved in the Ministry helping to advance the work on the Ministries, while pursuing other opportunities and doors God has opened. Prophetess Angela Ankrah also holds a bachelor’s in nursing from Chamberlain University.

As part of her Ministries, she has the heart for missions and to utilize her gift, resources, tools, compassion, and humanity with a Christ centered and kingdom infused approach to spread the gospel in other parts of the world. Part of her vision with respect to outreach is the medical knowledge as an approach to minster the gospel to developing nations, while ministering the gospel as a means to bring them to the knowledge of Christ. Empower Care is a Kingdom approach to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, while ministering to the population medically with the emphasis on impacting, uplifting and empowering. Locally, Prophetess Angela Ankrah seeks to advance a program called Kingdom Care, with the emphasis of the promotion of women’s health by partnering with other agencies and professionals to advance the health of women, their education, empowering and the sharing of positive influence and experiences for the furtherance of women’s health, while deepening their relationship with Christ and the community.

As part of the Haddasah & The Alabaster Conference, Prophetess Angela Ankrah is driven by the intense passion for the underprivileged women in society and believes in the empowering of women as the corner stone of society and the raising of Godly children with the emphasis on Christ. Just as in the encounter of the women at the well with Christ, Prophetess Angela Ankrah is driven by the strong passion under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to minister to women with the emphasis of the overcoming any challenges with the focus and the attention on Christ, while utilizing a Christ centered therapeutic approach for healing and recovery.

Prophetess Angela Ankrah enjoys teaching the church, which is core part of her as teacher previously in nursing school and she enjoys that gift to impact the church and the body of Christ. Also as Co-pastor with her husband at ECI Ministries, she teaches Sunday school, “school of Revelation” on Sunday mooring , while she also runs quarterly women program call the Fireplace Chat, whereby women come together to empower, encourage and to share experiences for the purpose of empowerment.

Prophetess Angela Ankrah believes as indicated in the book of Prophet Isiah’ “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed – Isiah 61: 1-3”. Ultimately Prophetess Angela Ankrah’s desire is for God to continually bless, and elevate you, while the Spirit of God helps to bring clarity and divine direction in your life and destiny. Knowing that God has something special for the child of God before the foundation of the galaxy was laid just as it is written: "No eye has seen, nor2 ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him". (1 Cor. 2:9, Isaiah 64:4).


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